Since order processing is serial in nature, you should use Serial Process pattern instead of Parallel Process pattern ( see Resources) to integrate OTMPS with the manufacturing applications. 由于定制过程在本质上是串行的,所以您应当使用串行处理模式而不是并行处理模式(详见参考资料)来将OTMPS集成到生产应用程序中去。
A Parallel process is therefore a mechanism for composing multiple individual processes together, using channels ( in the driver program example) as "wires" to connect them. 所以Parallel进程是一种把多个独立进程组织起来的机制,它用通道(在驱动器程序中示例中)作为“线”把进程连在一起。
Although the architecture is simple, Hadoop provides an easy way to distribute data, load balance, and parallel process large amounts of data in a fault-tolerant way. 尽管架构很简单,但是Hadoop能够方便地实现数据分发、负载平衡以及以容错的方式并行处理大量数据。
A run of a Parallel process terminates when, and only when, all its component processes terminate. Parallel进程的run方法只有在所有的部件进程终止的时候才终止。
Thinking is an inherently parallel process, billions of neurons firing simultaneously to create synchronous waves of cortical computation. 思考是一种人类固有的并行过程,数以亿计的神经元同时放电以创造出大脑皮层用于计算的同步脑电波。
In the article, the author put forward some ideas about the application of parallel process costing in assembly enterprise. 特别是在装配式多步骤加工企业中,平行结转分步法下,对两者内涵的分析尤为重要。
Quality is a parallel process, has its own rules, standards and reporting staff the new bureaucratic hierarchy and structure, unrelated to quality reporting as normal. 质量成为一个平行的过程,产生带有自己的规则,标准和报告人员的新的官僚层次和结构,无关的质量报告成为正常。
In a parallel process, countries are debating the voting weights or "quotas" of countries on the board. 在平行推进的另一个过程中,各方正在辩论董事会中各国的投票权重,或称“配额”。
A parallel process method of ray tracing is proposed based on a BSP tree. 提出了一种基于BSP树的光线跟踪并行处理方法。
When asked whether the government would consider relaxing visa rules, Mr Hunt said that maintaining border security was paramount. However, he said he would look at ways that UK visa applications could be part of a parallel process alongside getting a visa for the Schengen area. 在被问及政府会否考虑放松签证规则时,亨特表示,保持边境安全是至高无上的,但他会研究相关方案,可能让英国签证申请成为申根签证申请的一个平行流程的一部分。
Research on Implementation of Message Passing Based Parallel Process Migration 基于消息传递并行进程迁移技术的研究与实现
Mixed Combination process has main station in China, and its development is a new Parallel process alumina technology that is different from traditional Combination process. 占我国主导地位的混联法氧化铝生产工艺的发展方向是有别于传统联合法的并行法氧化铝生产新工艺。
Velocity Analysis Design in Marine Seismic Data Parallel Process System MPS海量地震数据处理的速度分析设计
The design and realization of SHARC parallel process system based on VME bus were studied. 研究基于VME总线SHARC并行处理系统的设计与实现。
The system secret can be recovered with a parallel process. 恢复系统密钥时,采用并行过程。
Distributed parallel process can satisfy demand of high speed compute in computer network. 分布式并行处理能够满足基于计算机网络的快速计算的需要。
Secondly briefly introduces the profile of Simplified Parallel Process, SPP. 其次介绍了精简并行过程(SimplifiedParallelProcess,SPP)的概况。
A processing platform is established by integrating DSP with FPGA, the multi-DSP communicates through HPI interface and multi-DSP parallel process is implemented. 该系统由DSP和FPGA相结合构成一种处理平台,多DSP通过HPI接口进行通信,实现了多DSP并行处理。
Research on a Distributed Parallel Process Model 一种分布式并行处理模型的研究
It is a multi-CPU and multitask parallel process system based on modularization and a lot of new technologies and methods have been applied to it. 它采用了多项新技术与新方法,是一个模块化的多CPU多任务并行处理系统。
A Study on Multi_CPU Parallel Process System 基于多CPU的并行数据处理系统的研究
The implementation structure and the class view of the software KD-FBT were described. The key technology of KD-FBT including the algorithm of FOM-Mapping and parallel process was researched. 对KD-FBT的实现结构、实现类视图进行了阐述,研究了KD-FBT软件中的FOM映射算法与并行处理技术。
Multiprocessor parallel process technique in precision guidance 精确制导中的多处理器并行处理技术
Hi the project, author's work emphasizes on the parallel process section design and motion estimation design. 作者在本次项目中的主要研究任务在于并行处理器阵列设计和运动估计协处理器设计。
Parallel process is one of the best way to solve this problem. 采用并行处理技术提高运算速度被公认为是解决这一问题的最好途径。
Different nodes in distributed database can concurrently or parallel process one task or more tasks. 分布式是相对集中式而言的,分布式环境中的各个结点可以并发或并行处理一个任务或多个任务。
Genetic algorithm is simple and robust, has strongpoint in parallel process and comprehensive applicability. 遗传算法具有简单通用、鲁棒性强、适用于并行处理和应用范围广的优点。
The principle and working flow of macroblock line parallel process technology are analyzed as well as Data flux to be transferred. 在此基础上分析了宏块行并行处理技术的原理和工作流程,估算了传输过程中的数据流量。